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Pyo, This is a wonderful book and as I own a Turtlebot3 I am already reading the book and trying the code. May I leave 1 comment and a posting of an error message?

  1. If the code on page xiv and 404 are loaded into catkin_ws, there appears to be a conflict of two instances of the package “testbot_description testbot.launch” that generates an error message when launched. I fixed this by keeping only ros_tutorials code loaded and compelled on page xiv and simply deleting the second instance of testbot_description package on page 404. rviz on page 415 works great after this change.

  2. On page 416, loading and compiling open_manipulator.git generates an error at the 90% point:
    [ 90%] Building CXX object open_manipulator/open_manipulator_dynamixel_ctrl/CMakeFiles/dynamixel_controller.dir/src/dynamixel_controller.cpp.o

In file included from /home/turtlebot/catkin_ws/src/open_manipulator/open_manipulator_dynamixel_ctrl/src/dynamixel_controller.cpp:19:0:


fatal error: dynamixel_workbench.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

I was unable to locate the apparent;y missing file "dynamical_workbench.h anywhere in the open_manipulator directories.

Is there some troubleshooting steps I could follow?

Hi @red24dog,

  1. It is a problem that duplicate names occur because the package mentioned above already exists.
  2. @Darby, please answer this question.

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Hello @red24dog

Because of update, dynamixel_workbench_toolbox that is downloaded by apt-get commands is not compatible with open_manipulator package.
You have to download source code on master branch in github.

The updated dynamixel_workbench will be uploaded ros official packages.

Best regards

Thank you for your prompt response. Following the procedure in the “kinetic dynamixel_workbench” WIKI, I successfully compiled dynamixel_workbench, dynamixel_workbench-msgs, and open_manipulator on my Kinetic Remote PC. I should mention that before the compilation I removed ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench and -workbench-msgs packages with Synaptic Package Manager and checked that ros-kinetic-dynamixel-SDK and ros-kinetc-qt-build were already installed from DEB.

And the rviz launch command on page 20 and gazebo on page 426 work perfectly, so I look forward to continuing following Chapter 13!

Thank you all for the hard work to release the new Robotis Turtlebot3 Burger (which I like very much and proud to show to my robotic enthusiast friends) and Open Manipulator simulator. I hope the Open Manipulator hardware is available from your US store soon.

In working with ROS for 8 years now (with Turtlebot Create/Kinect) I have not had as much fun and learning than with the Turtlebot3 Burger for 6 months now and your new book. I also have a PhantomX Arm and Pan/Tilt assembly that currently runs in ROS Indigo, but would like to convert it to run in Kinect using your excellent ROS tutorials.

I there is any verification of a book revision or beta testing to be useful, i would be pleased to assist.
Ross Lunan
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Thank you so much for the kind reviews :slight_smile:

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to ask anytime to me.

Best regards

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