About the Recommended Projects category

This board is dedicated to showcasing recommended robotics projects that you can easily replicate at home! Whether you’re a beginner looking to dip your toes into the exciting world of robotics, or an experienced hobbyist seeking inspiration for your next project, we hope you’ll find this continually updated list beneficial.

Remember, the journey of constructing a robot is just as vital, if not more, than the end product itself. So, don’t worry if things don’t work out perfectly the first time; every error is a step towards learning.

Before starting a project:

  1. Make sure you understand the safety guidelines related to handling electronics and tools.
  2. Read through the entire project guide before beginning to ensure you have all the necessary components and understand the process.
  3. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek help in the forum if you’re stuck at any point.

We encourage you all to share your experiences while replicating these projects and post your completed work in our forum.

If you have any recommendations for DIY projects that can be added to this list, please respond to this thread or reach out to the mods directly.

Let’s keep learning and growing as a community!

Happy building!