Anyone will be able to read the community's content without login!

Hi, :smile:

This community is currently in ‘login required’ state.
Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access.
This was a way to gather users in a short period of time to revitalize the community.
I will change this restriction from March 1st.
From this point on, anyone will be able to read the community’s content without login.



How about the archive from the previous forum?
Any chance to retrieve them back?
There were darwin-op, nimbro-op, lola-op and custom robot forum on the back then.


Hi, @nuryono

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Before closing the previous site, the manager in charge of the previous site notice to users for a backup.
The notice was announced for about 3 months. In addition, I heard that the previous manager has the backup file.
I will ask him more details later.
