AUX power supply to Turtlebot3


Having trouble supplying AUX power to turtlebot3.
I really need to find a way to sustain the entire system (turtlebot3) for longer time.
With battery only, it only can sustain about a hour.
Is there any good way to supply external power to the system (robots, Rasp. board, ) ?
I suppose it only uses battery when it needs to run the dynamixels.


I am not sure which DYNAMIXELs were used.
It only has original parts composed as were (vanilla)

DYNAMIXEL Controller:

It only has original parts composed as were (vanilla)

Software Interface:

It only has original parts composed as were (vanilla)

The barrel jack on the OpenCR board in the TurtleBot3 can also be used to supply power to the robot. It uses the same plug as the charger for the TB3 battery.