[Beta Test] Dynamixel X Series Firmware v.42

Greetings to all Dynamixel users!

We are happy to introduce the new Dynamixel X Series Firmware which includes a couple of new features upon some engineers requests. :+1:

The new features are as belows:

  1. Time based profile control will allow users to set the elapsed time for a motion.
  2. Clearing multi-turn information will allow to rotate more than 512 revolutions in multi turn mode by resetting the turn value.
  3. Acceleration Limit(40) removed

The beta firmware v42 can be downloaded with beta R+Manager 2.0 at below link.
Beta test firmware will be using 0x02 for the firmware version in the control table.

Tell us your thoughts and concerns :thinking: about this beta firmware.
Instruction video will be uploaded soon.



Updating is good. but I cannot find a command for the Multi-turn resetting.
so I asked them . and next… I received a reply from engineer.
this is the command for that. check out below…
[Multi-turn clear(oxo1]
<< Send >>
[Header ] [ ID ] [ Length ] [instruction] [parameter - magic code ] [ CRC ]
[0xff, 0xff, 0xfd, 0x00],[0x01],[0x08, 0x00],[0x10,] [ 0x01, 0x44, 0x58, 0x4c, 0x22], [0xa1, 0xe6]

<< Receive >>
[Header ] [ ID ] [ Length ] [instruction] [Error] [ CRC ]
[0xff, 0xff, 0xfd, 0x00], [0x01], [0x04, 0x00], [ 0x55 ], [ 0x00 ], [ 0xa1, 0x0c ]

have a good day. thanks everyone.


I’m using the XL430-W250 in Extended Position Control Mode (Multi-turn) with OpenCM9.04A+OpenCM485 Expansion Board and programming it from ArduinoIDE using DynamixelWorkbench (GitHub - ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCM9.04: Software for OpenCM 9.04 / OpenCM means Open-source Control Module.).
Are there new commands available for this functionality in the Arduino library after the firmware upgrade is done?

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Hello :slight_smile:

After launching it, DynamixelWorkbench will be compatible new firmware.

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When will the DynamixelWorkbench and R+ Manager with version 42 become available?
Tried updating the firmware using R+ Manager Beta and U2D2, but instead of 42, the new firmware version after update was shown as 2.

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The Firmware version 42 is not officially released. If it will be released, SDK and Workbench would update :slight_smile:

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