Cannot see motor after wrong bytesize write

Issue: Accidentally write to register with the wrong bytes size(suppose to be value of 2 bytes but instead wrote 4bytes) all at once in python. Now the motor are not detected at all including in the wizard.
I tired to flash but it keep failing.

4x AX-12A (2 are not readable, other 2 were not wrongly written to)

DYNAMIXEL Controller: SMILE robotics USB2TTL

Software Interface: Wizard, Dyanmixel SDK Python

# Safety
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write2ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_MIN_VOLTAGE_LIMIT, 60)
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write2ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_MAX_VOLTAGE_LIMIT, 140)
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write4ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_MAX_TORQUE, 1023)

# Control
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write2ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_LED, 1)
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write2ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_CW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN, 1)
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write2ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_CCW_COMPLIANCE_MARGIN, 1)
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write2ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_CW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE, 32)
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write2ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_CCW_COMPLIANCE_SLOPE, 32)
dxl_comm_result, dxl_error = packetHandler.write4ByteTxRx(portHandler, DXL_ID, ADDR_TORQUE_LIMIT, 1023)cla

Going into “Show Packets Windows” and use the same baud rate and send a factory reset instruction at Protocol 1.0 works.

Awesome no longer sad

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