I am a french student at an engineering school, and we use TurtleBot3 in our classes to learn ROS2. I have a project that involves creating a tutorial for operating the TurtleBot3 with ROS2, and I would like to understand in depth how communication works between the Raspberry Pi and the OpenCR board of a TurtleBot3 with ROS2.
In this forum, I read that the Dynamixel 2.0 protocol is used. However, my issue is that during the firmware installation on the OpenCR, I noticed that the Arduino code is the same for both ROS1 and ROS2 (TurtleBot3). With ROS1, a serial communication is established using the rosserial package. This package no longer exists in ROS2!
I am therefore unable to understand how the Dynamixel 2.0 protocol works with ROS2. Can you provide some clarification?