Control AX-12+ Servos with OpenCM9.04

I am trying to control AX-12+ smart servos using OpenCM9.04 and I know OpenCM is capable of doing that How to Power the OpenCM9.04 - YouTube from this video. However there is a lack of documentation in this specific case. Can somebody help me?

You need a openCM 485 expansion board to use the openCM9.04 with AX-12 servos

If you plan to use only AX-12s with the 904, you don’t have to use the 485 EXP. The e-manual shows this power hookup that you can use

This configuration of course assumes that you have the old 3P Molex type of connector that fits the AX12 on your 904 board. Or do you have only the 4 XL320 type of connector on your 904 at present?