DXL_LIB_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW Error only on specific position

Hey everyone,

I am having a very specific and very obscure problem. I am trying to use a Teensy LC Microcontroller to control various different Dynamixels, but in this case a Dynamixel Pro. I am using a SP485EN-L transceiver to communicate between the two devices.

If I tell the Dynamixel to move to position -131073, it causes the Dynamixel to report an error and to report that it is at position 0. If I move it to 0, it reports that it is already there, and throws this error 10. Interestingly enough, if I ask it to move to another position other than 0, such as 150000, it moves just fine and the error is cleared.

This ONLY happens with -131073, other positions such as -131072 and -131074 do not exhibit this problem.

I am using the following serial packet to communicate with the Dynamixel from the PC:

36 0 0 0 0 0 37 35
($) [Positional Data] [Checksum] [%] [#]

another example of some valid data would be for position 150000

36 0 2 73 240 196 37 35
($) [Positional Data] [Checksum] [%] [#]

This is -131073 represented as a serial packet:

36 255 253 255 255 5 37 35
($) [-131073 Counts] [Checksum] [%] [#]

Even with the values hardcoded into the software, in this case of a dummy serial string of $000000#, it still causes the issue.

I hope that this all makes sense. I have no idea where the problem lies in this code, but hopefully I can solve it.

#include <Dynamixel2Arduino.h>  // Official Dynamixel control library for Arduino
#define DXL_SERIAL Serial1      // Serial Port used to communicate with Dynamixel
#define PC_SERIAL Serial        // Serial Port used to communicate with the PC

using namespace ControlTableItem; //This namespace is required to use Control table item names. Required for the Dynamixel Library.

int           PC_numBytes;                  // Number of bytes that are ACTUALLY at the serial port (PC)
int           PC_Expected_Bytes = 8;        // Number of bytes that SHOULD be at the serial port (PC)
uint8_t       DXL_ID = 1;                   // The ID of the Dynamixel

Dynamixel2Arduino dxl(DXL_SERIAL, 2); // Setup the Dynamixel Serial Port, Pin 2 for Transciever DIR Pin

void setup() {
dxl.begin(57600); // Initialize communications with the Dynamixel at 57600 baud
dxl.setPortProtocolVersion(2.0); // Set Port Protocol Version. This has to match with the DYNAMIXEL protocol version.
PC_SERIAL.begin(115200); // Initialize communications with the PC at 115200 baud
while(!PC_SERIAL) delay(10); // Only start sending data 10ms after the serial port is open

dxl.torqueOff(DXL_ID); // Turn the Torque Off. Prerequisite for changing EEPROM data.
dxl.torqueOn(DXL_ID);  // Re-enable the torque

void loop() {
  PC_numBytes = PC_SERIAL.available(); // Check to see how many bytes are waiting at the serial port.

  if (PC_numBytes >= 1) // If there is something at the serial port:
    // Peek to see if first character is the dollar sign. If not, clear the buffer. The $ indicates valid data.
    if (PC_SERIAL.peek() != '$')
      while (PC_SERIAL.available() > 0) PC_SERIAL.read(); // Flush serial RX buffer by reading the data

  if (PC_numBytes >= PC_Expected_Bytes) // If there are the correct number of bytes waiting, then:
    Serial_Parse(PC_Expected_Bytes);  // run the Serial_Parse Function


void Serial_Parse(int Bytes)
  char        PC_Rx_Sentence[9] = "$000000#";  // Initialize received serial sentence (PC, 8 bytes)
  long        Desired_Position;                // The desired position of the Dynamixel, either valid or invalid
  long        Goal_Position;                   // The goal position value of the Dynamixel
  bool        Success;
  // Parse received serial
  for (int x=0; x < Bytes; x++) //Put each byte received into an array
    PC_Rx_Sentence[x] = PC_SERIAL.read();

  // If the command starts with the $ sign, ends with the # sign, and the checksum matches (Same checksum style as Dynamixel) do this:
  if (PC_Rx_Sentence[0] == '$' && PC_Rx_Sentence[Bytes - 1] == '#' && PC_Rx_Sentence[5] == lowByte(~(PC_Rx_Sentence[1] + PC_Rx_Sentence[2] + PC_Rx_Sentence[3] + PC_Rx_Sentence[4])) && PC_Rx_Sentence[6] == '%')
        Desired_Position = (PC_Rx_Sentence[1] << 24) | (PC_Rx_Sentence[2] << 16) | ( PC_Rx_Sentence[3] << 8 ) | (PC_Rx_Sentence[4]); // This is how you make a 32-Bit number with four bytes
        Goal_Position = (dxl.readControlTableItem(GOAL_POSITION, DXL_ID)); // Read the current goal position from the Dynamixel

        if (Desired_Position == Goal_Position) // If the desired position is the same as the goal position, don't write anything, as nothing has changed.
          PC_SERIAL.print("Error ");
          PC_SERIAL.print("Hardware Error Status: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(HARDWARE_ERROR_STATUS, DXL_ID));
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel Model is: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(MODEL_NUMBER, DXL_ID));
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel is already at ");

        else if (Desired_Position != Goal_Position) // If the desired position is not the same as the goal position:
          PC_SERIAL.print("Error ");
          PC_SERIAL.print("Hardware Error Status: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(HARDWARE_ERROR_STATUS, DXL_ID));
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel Model is: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(MODEL_NUMBER, DXL_ID));
          Success = dxl.setGoalPosition(DXL_ID, Desired_Position); // Set the new goal position 
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel is going to ");
          PC_SERIAL.print("Success or Failure? ");

   else if (PC_Rx_Sentence[0] == '$' && PC_Rx_Sentence[Bytes - 1] == '#' && PC_Rx_Sentence[1] == '0' && PC_Rx_Sentence[2] == '0' && PC_Rx_Sentence[3] == '0' && PC_Rx_Sentence[4] == '0' && PC_Rx_Sentence[5] == '0' && PC_Rx_Sentence[6] == '0')
          PC_SERIAL.print("Error ");
          PC_SERIAL.print("Hardware Error Status: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(HARDWARE_ERROR_STATUS, DXL_ID));
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel Model is: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(MODEL_NUMBER, DXL_ID));
          Success = dxl.setGoalPosition(DXL_ID, -131073); // Set the new goal position 
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel is going to ");
          PC_SERIAL.print("Success or Failure? ");

     else if (PC_Rx_Sentence[0] == '$' && PC_Rx_Sentence[Bytes - 1] == '#' && PC_Rx_Sentence[1] == '1' && PC_Rx_Sentence[2] == '1' && PC_Rx_Sentence[3] == '1' && PC_Rx_Sentence[4] == '1' && PC_Rx_Sentence[5] == '1' && PC_Rx_Sentence[6] == '1')
          PC_SERIAL.print("Error ");
          PC_SERIAL.print("Hardware Error Status: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(HARDWARE_ERROR_STATUS, DXL_ID));
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel Model is: ");
          PC_SERIAL.println(dxl.readControlTableItem(MODEL_NUMBER, DXL_ID));
          PC_SERIAL.print("Dynamixel is currently at ");

Even more problems

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Hello, this is Lucy from ROBOTIS HQ.
Sorry to hear you are facing issues.
Could I get your email address so I can you the library file?

Thank you,

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