HelloI’m a mechanical engineering student who wants to work on a project with a dynamixel.I posted a question because I lacked knowledge of electronic engineering.I’m trying to run 4 dynamixel MX64 with one dynamixel Shield and one Arduino board.However, in case of MX64, the current must flow at the maximum torque in the e-manual of RobotisCurrently, all four MX64 are trying to use the maximum torque.All four MX64s need maximum torque. They need 16.4AUsing the SMPS2Dynamixel, flow 16.4A into the circuit as shown belowI was wondering if the terminal power connector could cause problems (such as the shield dying) with the dynamixel shield with the allowable current of 10A.
If you are going to need such high currents, you probably need to look at using TWO U2D2 Power Hubs (each rated at 10 A): i.e. two MX-64s per U2D2 Power Hub.
Then use these 3P to X3P convertible cables to connect the MX-64s to the U2D2 Power Hubs (as they have only X3P connectors).
The Dynamixel Shield only uses the TTL DATA Line which is rated at 5V TTL to control the DXLs, so it will not see those high currents that the MX-64s need to operate (they use the VDD lines). That is why it is called a SHIELD in the first place.