How do i know turtlebot3 Odomentry is working?

Hello everyone,

I recently set up a physical TurtleBot3 Waffle Pi and cloned the latest TurtleBot3 2.1.5 repository for ROS 2 Humble. After starting the bringup on the Raspberry Pi, I accessed the /odom topic from my laptop and ran teleop to monitor the velocity. However, I’m noticing that the velocity values are fluctuating significantly, and I’m unsure if the odometry is functioning correctly. On the other hand, the joint states seem to be updating reliably.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or have any suggestions on how to verify if the odometry is working as expected?

Thanks in advance for any insights!

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Try running:

ros2 topic hz /odom

to see what the min/max and average topic rates/periods work out to. ROS messaging can be clumpy and there are strategies possible when close synchronization is required, but for learning as long as your average is reasonable the odom will be fine.

Your scan rate will probably be more important than your odom rate when it comes to localization.