Master Slave for control angular position

Good day,
sorry I’m new about this world with very poor knowledge in robotic may be someone can address me or give me some guidance for the right product , I’m in need to control an angular position of an antenna feeder ( for changing polarization for radioamateur hobby ) for 360 degrees, angular order is given manually from the radio station and angular position must be replicated exactly through the servo coupled with antenna feeder ( kind of synchro transmitter and receiver as used in past days). I’ve seen similar solution described in the community with master and slave function. could please someone give directions/guidance how to achieve such solution? Eventually can be achieved without intermediate help of PC , just linked servos as stand alone system ?

This should be achievable using our DYNAMIXEL2Arduino library and OpenRB Starter Kit. If I’m understanding what you’re trying to achieve correctly, you won’t need a PC at all, but you will need a microcontroller like the OpenRB to control the servos.