MX-64 and MX-106 cannot be found after running dynamixel_workbench example

Hi all.
I was trying to configure the controller for a robotic arm using MX-106 and MX-64 motors, using the dynamixel_workbench package in ROS-Melodic. I tested with 3 motors (MX-106 inside the base)
The interface to communicate with the motors is a U2D2.

I downloaded the dynamixel_workbench package, and followed the tutorials:

After confirming the IDs and the baud rate to communicate with the motors, I configured the basic.yaml and launch files



After running, the motors seemed to be found, but the communication was not established (sorry, I don’t have a picture of the error). But then, the motors couldn’t be found anymore, not even with the wizard (testing all protocols, all baud rates).

I tried to recover the firmware, but I reach a point where the assistant asks to turn off and turn on the motor, but when I do that, the assistant does not detect it.

When I connect the power to the motors, I can see the LEDs blinking, as they do normally.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue? How can I fix the motors and make them findable again?

Thanks for your help!

You can try working through the selfcheck test to see if you can find the problem. In most cases, if DYNAMIXEL Wizard Firmware Recovery is not working, the actuator will need to be sent in for repair service.