OpenRB-150 Boards Not Detected By Windows


Currently, I have two OpenRB-150 boards that were recently delivered to replace a previous board that failed (overheating near DC10 through 12 seen in other reports). However, when I plug either of these boards into my laptop, they fail to detect. I do not receive a pop-up or see a “COM” port in the Arduino IDE. I cannot detect it via Dynamixel Wizard 2.0. The only light that turns on is the green power LED.

Troubleshooting Steps:

The jumper has been set the +5V and is powered via USB-A to USB-C cable from my laptop. There is nothing else plugged in.

Cables Tested
I have tested with two different cables and produced a similar results. Additionally, these two cables were both able to be used to transfer power and data between my laptop and my phone.

USB Ports Tested
I have 3 available USB ports, and I tried all of them. Two are USB3 speeds and one is USB2 speed. All are USB-A. Additionally, these work with both my phone and a Logitech receiver dongle.

Device Manager
I checked in Device Manager and no new device is detected when plugged in. From previous forum posts and a later test, I expect either a Unknown USB entry in Other Devices or a COM entry in Ports. No such entry appears.

Device Cleanup
Followed another post regarding failure to detect board, I utilized a software called device cleanup to see if a faulty driver was detected at any point. I expected to see a result appear “x seconds ago,” however no such thing happed. I did see a result appear when using my phone to verify.

Other PCs/Windows Versions
I also tried to see if two other PCs were able to check the device. One running Windows10 and the other running Windows11. Neither were able to detect the boards either.

Broken OpenRB-150 Board Detected
The last check I performed was using the aforementioned replaced board. When this board is plugged in, both the Green Power LED and the Red Dynamixel LED light up, a windows notification appears and the device appears as COM5 in device manager. Same cables and laptop are used.

Did I miss any steps in troubleshooting my devices? I would appreciate any help getting these boards to work.


None used currently during testing. In the future, the following may be used:
XL-330-M288 for testing

DYNAMIXEL Controller:


Software Interface:

Arduino IDE 2.3.3
Dynamixel Wizard 2.0 - v2.1.12.1

If I understand your post correctly, with your last entry Windows Device Manager finally recognized your OpenRB-150 at COM5? If that was so, then perhaps the following procedure for installing Arduino IDE will help you.

I just had a new PC on Windows 11 V. 24H2, and when I installed the latest Arduino IDE which is V. 2.3.4, it installed fine. But this version does not have an entry for me to enter the JSON link for the OpenRB-150 under Preferences as per this instruction on the ROBOTIS e-manual:

Additionally, I had to install the older ARDUINO IDE 1.8.9 and went into it to insert this JSON link into its Preferences field. Then I installed the SAMD board and the OpenRB-150 via Board Manager. Then the Dynamixel2Arduino library also. When all done, I can see the 150 via COM5 in the older IDE 1.8.9. Lastly, I closed IDE 1.8.9.

Now, when I run IDE 2.3.4, I can see and mount the 150 board OK and test the simple BLINK sketch and everything seemed to work properly so far.

Please note that I am using an older 150 from about a year ago, not the latest version like yours. What is the QA number on your new 150s?

Hi roboteer. Thank you for the response, but I need to clarify the last entry.

I have three OpenRB-150 boards, that I’ll refer to as A,B,C for convenience.

  • Board A (QC 2344) was purchased as part of a starter kit.
  • Board B and C (both QC 2442) were purchased as standalone kits.

Board A was initially used to operate the XL330 motor and then the XC430 motor. It was fully operational within Arduino until it was damaged at some point. (I had performed the steps with linking the github in preferences and installing the relevant board managers and libraries). I can’t ascertain the full reason, but it currently overheats and is not able to run any Arduino code. This is the board that was able to be detected by Windows.

Board B and C have not been used for any motor operation yet. They are cool to the touch when plugged in. Neither of these boards appear under COM 5 in Device Manager.

Thank you for your time.

Did the Power LED come on the B and C controllers at all?

Yes, the power LED for both B and C turned on.

Then I am stomped also. I would have done the same troubleshooting procedure that you did. Maybe it got something to do with the new QC 2442 batch? Only ROBOTIS folks can help you then.

That’s a shame. I appreciate the help regardless.

Do you know if ROBOTIS support is via this forum or some other system?

This is the correct Forum to use. It just takes some time for the ROBOTIS folks to get back to you. I got a hunch that the HQ folks from Seoul will need to be involved (they are about 13 hours ahead of the USA).

Have you tried to put the 150 into bootloader mode yet?

Yes, I tried double pressing the reset button. I expected a flashing orange LED but I got no response. It doesn’t appear under COM 8 either.

This sounds like your OpenRB-150 board may be damaged or defective, and should be submitted to ROBOTIS for repair.

If you would like your hardware repaired by ROBOTIS, you can submit an RMA request to your region’s ROBOTIS retailer.

When submitting your items for RMA service please be advised: in the event that the units are not covered under warranty you will be responsible for the cost of shipping + repairs (labor/components) before ROBOTIS may return the RMA units.

To proceed with RMA service fill out the the appropriate form from the list above to open a request with your region’s RMA team. In addition, you may find the troubleshooting self-checklist useful to assist in filling out the RMA request form.

I’m slightly confused regarding which form to use to submit an RMA request. I assume I should use the Americas RMA form, however the title of the form indicates that it is depreciated. Should I proceed to use that form or should I use Global?

I apoligize for that, I’m a representative of our US office, and it looks like I didn’t update the link in our template to our newest RMA form.

You can access the new form from here.