Ping() method timeout with OpenRB-150 and MX-64AT(2.0) actuator


I am working with the OpenRB-150 microcontroller core V.0.2.1

Software Description

I am using the basic example Ping sketch to test one MX-64AT(2.0) with my new OpenRB-150 in the Arduino IDE.

Issue Description

I have tested the OpenRB-150 first with the usb_to_dynamixel sketch in order to use the Dynamixel Wizard to set up my servo. I was able to set the baud rate, the ID, and test the position control mode by moving the servo back and forth between two angles. However, when I upload the Ping example sketch, using the same baud rate and ID that worked with the Dynamixel Wizard, the ping fails. I get the message “ping failed!, err code: 3” The error code according getLastLibErrCode, means DXL_LIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT. What does this error code mean? How can I resolve the error?

Additional Information/Attachments

See my Ping sketch below:

#include <Dynamixel2Arduino.h>

// Please modify it to suit your hardware.
#if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO) || defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560) // When using DynamixelShield
  #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
  SoftwareSerial soft_serial(7, 8); // DYNAMIXELShield UART RX/TX
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL soft_serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) // When using DynamixelShield
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL SerialUSB
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO) // When using DynamixelShield
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial1
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL SerialUSB
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN
#elif defined(ARDUINO_OpenCM904) // When using official ROBOTIS board with DXL circuit.
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial3 //OpenCM9.04 EXP Board's DXL port Serial. (Serial1 for the DXL port on the OpenCM 9.04 board)
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 22; //OpenCM9.04 EXP Board's DIR PIN. (28 for the DXL port on the OpenCM 9.04 board)
#elif defined(ARDUINO_OpenCR) // When using official ROBOTIS board with DXL circuit.
  // For OpenCR, there is a DXL Power Enable pin, so you must initialize and control it.
  // Reference link :
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial3
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 84; // OpenCR Board's DIR PIN.
#elif defined(ARDUINO_OpenRB)  // When using OpenRB-150
  //OpenRB does not require the DIR control pin.
  #define DXL_SERIAL Serial1
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = -1;
#else // Other boards when using DynamixelShield
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial1
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN

const uint8_t DXL_ID = 2;
const float DXL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2.0;

Dynamixel2Arduino dxl(DXL_SERIAL, DXL_DIR_PIN);

//This namespace is required to use Control table item names
using namespace ControlTableItem;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  // Use Serial to debug.

  // Set Port baudrate to 9600bps. This has to match with DYNAMIXEL baudrate.
  // Set Port Protocol Version. This has to match with DYNAMIXEL protocol version.

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  DEBUG_SERIAL.print(", ID ");
  DEBUG_SERIAL.print(": ");
  if( == true){
    DEBUG_SERIAL.print("ping succeeded!");
    DEBUG_SERIAL.print(", Model Number: ");
    DEBUG_SERIAL.print("ping failed!, err code: ");


DYNAMIXEL::InfoFromPing_t ping_info[32];
void FindServos(void) {
  Serial.println("  Try Protocol 2 - broadcast ping: ");
  Serial.flush(); // flush it as ping may take awhile... 
  if (uint8_t count_pinged =, ping_info, 
    sizeof(ping_info)/sizeof(ping_info[0]))) {
    Serial.print("Detected Dynamixel : \n");
    for (int i = 0; i < count_pinged; i++)
      Serial.print("    ");
      Serial.print(ping_info[i].id, DEC);
      Serial.print(", Model:");
      Serial.print(", Ver:");
      Serial.println(ping_info[i].firmware_version, DEC);
      //g_servo_protocol[i] = 2;
    Serial.print("Broadcast returned no items : ");

I had posted about a similar issue back in July 2022 but so far Robotis has not responded back.
Ping() is not that consequential. Can you still set Goal Velocity and Goal Position?

I can set Goal Position if I do not set the Position PID gains. When I set those gains the servo does not move to Goal Position any more. I have not tested set Goal Velocity.

EDIT: after quite a bit of troubleshooting today I am not sure my above statement is accurate. I was working with the example position_mode.ino sketch and was not able to move my servo, even with the same settings that work with the Dynamixel Wizard. Has the example sketch worked for you?


#include <Dynamixel2Arduino.h>

// Please modify it to suit your hardware.
#if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO) || defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560) // When using DynamixelShield
  #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
  SoftwareSerial soft_serial(7, 8); // DYNAMIXELShield UART RX/TX
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL soft_serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) // When using DynamixelShield
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL SerialUSB
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO) // When using DynamixelShield
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial1
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL SerialUSB
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN
#elif defined(ARDUINO_OpenCM904) // When using official ROBOTIS board with DXL circuit.
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial3 //OpenCM9.04 EXP Board's DXL port Serial. (Serial1 for the DXL port on the OpenCM 9.04 board)
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 22; //OpenCM9.04 EXP Board's DIR PIN. (28 for the DXL port on the OpenCM 9.04 board)
#elif defined(ARDUINO_OpenCR) // When using official ROBOTIS board with DXL circuit.
  // For OpenCR, there is a DXL Power Enable pin, so you must initialize and control it.
  // Reference link :
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial3
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 84; // OpenCR Board's DIR PIN.
#elif defined(ARDUINO_OpenRB)  // When using OpenRB-150
  //OpenRB does not require the DIR control pin.
  #define DXL_SERIAL Serial1
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = -1;
#else // Other boards when using DynamixelShield
  #define DXL_SERIAL   Serial1
  #define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
  const int DXL_DIR_PIN = 2; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN

const uint8_t DXL_ID = 2;
const float DXL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2.0;

Dynamixel2Arduino dxl(DXL_SERIAL, DXL_DIR_PIN);

//This namespace is required to use Control table item names
using namespace ControlTableItem;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  // Use UART port of DYNAMIXEL Shield to debug.
  // while(!DEBUG_SERIAL);

  // Set Port baudrate to 57600bps. This has to match with DYNAMIXEL baudrate.
  // Set Port Protocol Version. This has to match with DYNAMIXEL protocol version.
  // Get DYNAMIXEL information

  // Turn off torque when configuring items in EEPROM area
  dxl.setOperatingMode(DXL_ID, OP_POSITION);

  // Limit the maximum velocity in Position Control Mode. Use 0 for Max speed
  dxl.writeControlTableItem(PROFILE_VELOCITY, DXL_ID, 30);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  // Please refer to e-Manual( for available range of value. 
  // Set Goal Position in RAW value
  dxl.setGoalPosition(DXL_ID, 1000);

  int i_present_position = 0;
  float f_present_position = 0.0;

  while (abs(1000 - i_present_position) > 10)
    i_present_position = dxl.getPresentPosition(DXL_ID);
    DEBUG_SERIAL.print("Present_Position(raw) : ");

  // Set Goal Position in DEGREE value
  dxl.setGoalPosition(DXL_ID, 5.7, UNIT_DEGREE);
  while (abs(5.7 - f_present_position) > 2.0)
    f_present_position = dxl.getPresentPosition(DXL_ID, UNIT_DEGREE);
    DEBUG_SERIAL.print("Present_Position(degree) : ");

When I downloaded your posted code, it did not run on my OpenRB-150 either.
It turned out that your Baud Rate of 9600 for the DXLs is just too low.
Usually I use the 1 Mbps baud rate:

Once the DXL baud rate is changed to 1000000 (see line 56), this code works fine.

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Thank you! Changing my baudrate to 1 Mbps got the sketch working for me. I copied the baud rate over from my previous sketches using the Arduino Uno and Dynamixel Shield, which worked just fine at this slow rate. Good to know that OpenRB-150 needs a higher rate.