Product suggestion

My name is Case and I am a fourth grader.

I did the Robotis Play 503, the project on page 1 - 13. I modified it a little with four big pieces and four orange pegs, resulting in it going backwards - faster than it did going forwards originally. I switched the head and the tail around, moving the tail two pegs upward, so it doesn’t cover the on/off switch, and now it goes faster and it’s taller. I also added a smile to the face with the black pegs I had left.

I am attaching two pictures so you can see what I did. I thought you might like to add this option, which would add only four more steps.


:+1::+1::+1:. Keep on experimenting!

What a smart student! This is the type of creativity we want to inspire and I’m sure you are inspiring others with your creativity. Thank you for the post Case and good luck!