Roboplus for Bioloid Premium

I got a hunch that the servo 1’s position encoder (which is based on a copper electrode rubbing on a circular track made of graphite) has gone “bad” (i.e. worn out) just about at the spot/location used for the Push Up demo for Servo 1. So the servo 1 controller’s feedback control system did not work well for that vicinity, but still OK elsewhere. You are right in getting a new AX-12. Once you’ve got the new AX-12, take apart the faulty AX-12 to see its inner workings. It will be fun!

The new servo fixed the problem.
Everything now working as it should - except the robot has a tendency to fall forward after taking a few steps.
I imagine I can fix that fairly easily …
Many thanks to all who responded - especially Roboteer - and helped me to get to Grade 1 in robotics!

Just when I thought everything was working OK, I now find that when in Demo mode, the robot is ‘stuck’ just making bows.
Switching it off and on, or going into different modes and then returning to Demo, or reinstalling the controller firmware makes no difference - it is still just bowing.
This only happens in Demo mode - using all the movement functions programmed into the remote controller is fine.
Anyone else had this happen?

Hi @rodleach,

I’m glad to hear the new AX-12A unit was able to resolve the issue from before! About the Demo mode, it’s possible this might be the robot’s demo mode working as intended. More explanation below.

When it’s in Demo mode, the BIOLOID Premium robot is cycling through a few default behaviors; I’ll summarize them as:

  1. Play a Motion from a selection of motion files, intermittently
  2. Match the number of claps it hears by clapping to imitate
  3. Perform a bow motion every time it detects something within a certain range of the torso’s DMS-80 distance sensor.

If the BIOLOID Premium is very close to something (DMS-80’s useful range is just under 80cm) then it could be trying to bow to whatever is near it. Try placing the robot in Demo mode somewhere with an open space in front of it and then moving your hand or an object in front of the chest and you should see it repeat the bow.

Thank you, Andrew.
I hadn’t read your point 3 in the user manual - and now see that the ZigBee unit was dangling down in front of the distance sensor!
Moving it to the back now makes the Demo mode work properly.
Thanks again - Rod.

You can mount the ZigBee receiver inside the Premium’s “empty head” with some more parts (see enclosed pictures).

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