Robotis mini example


I’m brand new to the forum.I’ve recently owned a ROBOTIS MINI.
I am asking for your help.
From the list of example programs I selected ROBOTIS MINI Soccer and tried to load my ROBOTIS MINI through the bluetooth connection to the computer ROBOTIS MINI several times, but something did not work.
Can you write me step by step what I need to do to make this happen. If successful, how does the program start and what will ROBOTIS MINI be able to do?
Thanks in advance! I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,



DYNAMIXEL Controller:


Software Interface:


Is this a new MINI kit from ROBOTIS?

ROBOTIS has published fairly detailed steps on how to use the MINI with the Mobile App at this link:

Have you tried these steps yet?

Back in 2020, I published this MINI book that goes beyond the Mobile App:

I also have a YouTube Play List for this book that you can peruse through if you are interested.

Thanks for your reply. I apologize in advance for my elementary explanations and questions.
I ran the following:

  1. I downloaded on my computer from EXAMPLE ROBOTIS MINI Soccer download(tsk). Please what does the abbreviation (tsk) and (minx) mean?
  2. I connected my computer with ROBOTIS MINI via Bluetooth device.
    And I got here. I don’t know the way to load the ROBOTIS MINI Soccer program from my computer to the ROBOTIS MINI.
    Please for your help.

I also have some questions for you:

  1. what kind of devices are you using for this project?
    a) Windows PC and Mobile Device? What kind of Mobile Device? Android or iOS?
    b) On the MINI itself, does it use a BT-210 receiver or a BT-410 receiver?

  2. where did you download the Soccer programs from?

Regarding your questions about mtnx and tsk files, the MINI robot needs two files downloaded to it to work properly:

  1. The *.mtnx file is just a data file containing on the Motion Units (essentially a series of specific Goal Positions for the robot’s servos set at specific timed events) - see this link
    R+ Motion 2.0

For example:


  1. The *.tsk or *.tskx file is a true computer program in the standard sense, as it has the logic for how to use those Motion Units.

For example, Fig. 7.40 from my MINI book:


In particular for your case, I think that you just want to use the MINI App for now (right?), then supposedly when you installed the MINI App on an Android device (such as my Tablet Samsung S6), this app is associated to this “default.mtnx” file found at this path:

This PC\Tab S6 Lite\Internal storage\Android\data\com.robotis.darwinmini\files\Download\RoboPlus\ROBOTIS MINI


If you use an iOS device, sorry I would not know how to help you further.

Did you manage to register your MINI robot properly via the MINI APP?


Ok! I finally found out where you downloaded the MINI SOCCER example now.


So my previous posts regarding the MINI App were completely off-the-mark. Sorry :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

So you downloaded the 2 files
And I can see that they are written in Korean, so that did not help you at all! And I do not know Korean either!

You need to download and install TASK V2 and MOTION V2 also.


After all that is done, run the MOTION 2 tool and download the file DARWIN-MINI_Soccer_0723.mtnx onto the MINI robot via the COM port that corresponds to that BT-210 receiver attached to your robot.


So use F4 key and download the “default” MOTION GROUP. So hopefully, everything goes well for this step and you can close MOTION 2 (to free up that COM port).

Next, you run TASK V.2 and open the file “DARWIN-MINI_Soccer_0723.tsk” file. TASK V.2 will automatically convert it to a MTNX file (that you can save if you want to). So connect to that COM Port and download this TSK/TSKX file to your robot:


If the file download process is OK. Then turn power off the MINI robot completely. Put it face down on a flat surface to be safe. Turn power back on, the robot should come to “life” as it tries to execute MOTION INDEX No 1 (i.e. Stand Upright)


You can now set the MINI on a table, and start “playing” with the robot.

You will need to use the Virtual Controller tool from inside the TASK V2 tool (i.e. push F3 Key) You will see this screen


Then Select the correct COM Port and click on START, after a while you should see this screen when the Virtual Controller connects properly to your robot.


Now you can use the U/D/L/R Arrow keys and the numerical keys 1/2/3/4/5/6 also to execute certain MOTION UNITs (which names are all in Korean!)

You can try to push on the UP Arrow, that should make the robot walk forward.
You can also try to push UP and LEFT keys together also.

or UP + RIGHT, UP + 4, UP + 2, DOWN Key, DOWN + LEFT, and many other key combinations as shown in the Soccer TSK program.


Thank you very, very much for the extremely detailed description of the path that must be taken to reach the end result - ROBOTIS MINI to execute the commands laid down in the ROBOTIS MINI Socer program. I have the ambition to follow this path hopefully if the need arises of help to turn to you again.
Now to answer your questions:
Is this a new MINI kit from ROBOTIS?
ROBOTIS MINI I bought it a few months ago, as the first edition is April 30, 2014, Revision 6, January 15.
What kind of devices are you using for this project?
a) Windows PC and Mobile Device? What kind of Mobile Device? Android or iOS?
I use devices
a) Windows PC with Windows 10,
Mobile Device OS: Android
b) On the MINI itself, does it use a BT-210 receiver or a BT-410 receiver?
On the MINI itself, it uses a BT-210 receiver.
Where did you download the Soccer programs from?
You have correctly understood where I downloaded the example for
Once again, thank you for your kindness.
kind regards,