ROS Version for TurtleBot3 with OpenMANIPULATOR-x

Hello everyone,

I’m working on TurtleBot3 with OpenManipulator-x right now. After finishing the whole assembly, I started with ROS noetic to configure the TurtleBot3 but i didn’t find the turtlebot3 with manipulator packages in the official documentation (Manipulation section [here].(TurtleBot3))
So, I switched to ROS melodic and after configuring everything i found that the Raspberry pi camera is not working and also i couldn’t move the manipulator by publishing a goal to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory. ROS kinetic also does not support Raspberry pi 4 so it will not be an option and Dashing version does not include (operate an actual manipulator) (section 7.7)

So what’s the best ROS version to work with to configure the mobile robot without any problem or missing packages.

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I also have the same question