RPI 4 Model B needs a ros image

@ROBOTIS-Will, I don’t have Raspberry Pi 4 2GB, however I tried use Linux Disks to burn the image to used in 8GB, but still the same error.

From the internet, there is change on the power circuit on 8GB, that is why need to be updated to be bootable in 8GB…

Just want to confirm with you, which version of OS and ROS are used in “image_rpi_20191119.img”?

@Robotclub Oh, I see. I was told that there was a USB-C power circuit update, but never heard of the 8GB.
Below is the OS and kernel information in the provided image file for RPi 4.

For what it is worth, I have one of the newer RPI4 8GB Boards, which I have not done much with yet, except to play around with making it such that you could boot it directly off of an SSD.

For awhile I had it running RPI OS. But later installed Ubuntu 20,04 and ROS2… I have not done anything with it except to run the first simple serer/client example to see if it would actually run.

One of these days I hope to get back to playing with ROS2/Turtlebot… But it may be awhile.

For your information, I successfully install ROS Kinetic on RaspiOS of my Raspi 4B 8GB by referring to this website https://www.instructables.com/id/Install-ROS-Kinetic-TurtleBot3-Raspicam-on-Raspber/. Some more packages need to be installed. So far, it can run SLAM and NAVIGATION on the Raspi now, Remote PC is just VNC viewing.

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In case somebody needs it, I had created a 16.3GB compressed to 5.13GB image for Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB RAM. It includes Ubuntu Mate 20.04 (desktop), ROS-noetic-dektop-full, OpenCV2, librealsense, rosserial, and google-coral library. The image expands to fill the SD card on boot. 32GB or higher SD card size will be required. Password is same as login.
DriveLink: RPI_BCKP.zip - Google Drive

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Good job look like you found a good working distro, yea! :grinning:
P.S. I ran it already and it works just fine on a pi-4, maybe I can get my waffle back up and working.
Even the D435 camera works great!

Did you see were Robotis is offering a burger and waffle with a Pi 4 now?