@Robotclub Oh, I see. I was told that there was a USB-C power circuit update, but never heard of the 8GB.
Below is the OS and kernel information in the provided image file for RPi 4.
For what it is worth, I have one of the newer RPI4 8GB Boards, which I have not done much with yet, except to play around with making it such that you could boot it directly off of an SSD.
For awhile I had it running RPI OS. But later installed Ubuntu 20,04 and ROS2… I have not done anything with it except to run the first simple serer/client example to see if it would actually run.
One of these days I hope to get back to playing with ROS2/Turtlebot… But it may be awhile.
In case somebody needs it, I had created a 16.3GB compressed to 5.13GB image for Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB RAM. It includes Ubuntu Mate 20.04 (desktop), ROS-noetic-dektop-full, OpenCV2, librealsense, rosserial, and google-coral library. The image expands to fill the SD card on boot. 32GB or higher SD card size will be required. Password is same as login.
DriveLink: RPI_BCKP.zip - Google Drive
Good job look like you found a good working distro, yea!
P.S. I ran it already and it works just fine on a pi-4, maybe I can get my waffle back up and working.
Even the D435 camera works great!