Turtlebot3 Bringup isn't working



I was working on a turtlebot3, so I was following the steps mentioned on your website to setup the turtlebot but I got stuck at step number three of bringup 3.5.1 and we are not getting the expected results. Below is what we have coming up. It’s stuck after a few lines of code. We’ve checked the connection all the connection were made according to the video available in robotis website. Please let me know how I can solve this.

our out outcome:

roboticslab@roboticslab-desktop:~$ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger

roboticslab@roboticslab-desktop:~$ ros2 launch turtlebot3_bringup robot.launch.py
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/roboticslab/.ros/log/2025-01-22-18-33-26-774512-roboticslab-desktop-13240
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
urdf_file_name : turtlebot3_burger.urdf

[INFO] [robot_state_publisher-1]: process started with pid [13242]
[INFO] [ld08_driver-2]: process started with pid [13244]
[INFO] [turtlebot3_ros-3]: process started with pid [13246]

[turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [1737551007.743251502] [turtlebot3_node]: Init TurtleBot3 Node Main
[turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [1737551007.746912036] [turtlebot3_node]: Init DynamixelSDKWrapper
[turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [1737551007.749602920] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to open the port(/dev/ttyACM0)!
[turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [1737551007.761144118] [DynamixelSDKWrapper]: Succeeded to change the baudrate!
[turtlebot3_ros-3] [ERROR] [1737551007.764163120] [turtlebot3_node]: Failed connection with Devices
[turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [1737551007.800243105] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Motors
[turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [1737551007.800743109] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Wheels
[turtlebot3_ros-3] [INFO] [1737551007.801243112] [turtlebot3_node]: Add Sensors

[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1737551007.804379463] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_footprint
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1737551007.804715926] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_link
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1737551007.804943509] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base_scan
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1737551007.805163109] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment caster_back_link
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1737551007.805379509] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment imu_link
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1737551007.805596109] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment wheel_left_link
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1737551007.805843509] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment wheel_right_link

[turtlebot3_ros-3] terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘rclcpp::exceptions::RCLInvalidArgument’
what(): could not create publisher: topic name is invalid, at /src/rcl/node.c:1420
[ERROR] [turtlebot3_ros-3]: process has died [pid 13246, exit code -6, cmd ‘/home/roboticslab/turtlebot3_ws/install/turtlebot3_bringup/share/turtlebot3_bringup/param/burger.yaml’].

[ld08_driver-2] /dev/ttyUSB0 CP210x USB to UART Bridge Controller
[ld08_driver-2] /dev/ttyACM0 OpenCR Virtual ComPort in FS Mode
[ld08_driver-2] FOUND LDS-02
[ld08_driver-2] LDS-02 started successfully

after this line it’s stuck

Software Interface:

we are using

raspberry pi4 with 16gb sd card

ros version humble hawksbill

ubuntu version 22.04

Hello Trideva.
From the logs, DynamixelSDK successfully opened the serial port (/dev/ttyACM0) and changed the baud rate.
However, the connection to the device (motor) failed, which suggests a possible issue with the OpenCR firmware.

Please refer to this manual and try updating the firmware again:
:link: OpenCR Firmware Update Guide

Additionally, I recommend following the Quick Start Guide once more.
Thank you.