Turtlebot3 Waffle-Pi Lua File not found

Where can I find the Lua file that contains the LiDAR parameter for turtlebot3 Waffle_Pi? I have looked around the ROS Workspace but found nothing, I’m using ROS 2 Foxy.

You are likely looking for the turtlebot3_lds_2d.lua file. You can find it in the config directory of the turtlebot3_cartographer package. Please note that ROS 2 Foxy is no longer supported, and we recommend upgrading to ROS 2 Humble for better compatibility and support. Let me know if you need further assistance!

Screenshot from 2024-12-09 17-16-26

Based on the image shown, there is no turtlebot3_cartographer package

@smiD Could you clarify the purpose of searching for the Lua file? If your intention is to modify the hardware parameters of the LiDAR, please note that this is not possible. For physical LiDAR hardware (as opposed to simulations), the parameters are factory-configured internally and cannot be adjusted externally. However, if you wish to make changes within a Gazebo simulation, you can modify the LiDAR parameters through the URDF or Xacro files, where you can adjust configurations such as range, resolution, and update rate.