U2D2 and Camera with Time Synchronicity


I have been using Dynamixel Servos MX-28AT(2.0) with a U2D2 controller powered by a Robotis SMPS and Power hub board.

However, I want some information regarding U2D2 and Power Hub board. I want to obtain an output signal from the U2D2 or Power Hub board indicating that the servo motors have started moving. This signal should be in voltage, and it will be used as a trigger to integrate a camera with time synchronicity.

I have checked using a Digital Multi Metre; when all the connections are done in diasy chain the voltage in the Dynamixel terminals is always 12V, irrespective of the data transfer. So I cannot exactly say from this voltage that the servo has started moving.

Kindly suggest a solution in this direction for getting a start signal output.


MX-28AT(2.0) - 3 servos

DYNAMIXEL Controller:

U2D2 with PowerHub Board

Software Interface:


There isn’t a voltage based signal that can be used to reliably determine if the servo is in motion.

The recommended method is to use the provided Moving control table item to determine the movement state.

Thank you @Jonathon. Using Moving will just give me information on my PC. But I needed this motor movement to trigger an external system. Is there any other way rather than using Moving.

Kindly let me know.

Moving will be the most accurate way to monitor the servo’s movement status.

The servos don’t send out an signals to external systems indicating any present statuses. Your best bet would probably to trigger the external system from the host PC on Movement value update.