Unable to change ID on AX-12+ motors

ROBOTIS Software

Dynamixel 2.0

Control Environment

Using 2 Dynamixel AX-12+ motors and USB2Dynamixel

Software Description

Using Dynamixel 2.0 and Dynamixel SDK

Issue Description

I am using the AX-12+ motors and have just factory reset them after self-diagonosis. However, I want to change the ID of my dynamixel, but Dynamixel Wizard 2.0 does not support AX models in the ID Inspection. I cannot find DYnamixel 1.0 anywhere for download either.

Please give me a solution to either change the ID of my dynamixels (Using Dynamixel 2.0) or where to install Dynamixel 1.0 since it is not available on the website

AX 12 ID numbers can be adjusted through DYNAMIXEL Wizard by following the steps outlined here: