Can't detect connected XM540-W270-T


I’m trying to control the XM540-W270-T, XL430-W250-T, XM430-W350-T and XL320 via the U2D2. This works for every Motor but the XM540-W270-T although I tried the exact same cable connection. The power source is 12V and the motor pulls ~170 mA. To test the Servo-connection I used the Dynamixel Wizard 2.0. By scanning in the Dynamixel Wizard 2.0 the programm detects every motor, but the XM540-W270-T. I tried every baud-rate, ID and Protocol.


The next step would be to perform a firmware restoration. If that doesn’t work, it’s possible that your servo has sustained some damage and may require RMA repair service.