Recently I purchased a Turtlebot3 waffle Pi, and I would like to convert it to use an UP board instead of the RPI3 and use the R200 camera, like what was used on the earlier Waffle. I have also mentioned this up on the Robotis Forum:
I believe that this should be very doable, but I suspect that I could always run into some unforeseen issues and would appreciate if you have any suggestions.
Hardware wise, I am planning on mounting the UP board using the same setup was put in place for the RPI3 as it has the same form factor.
Currently I have two UP boards (actually 3 if I count the UP2 board). I am tying to decide between the UP board with a Heatsink versus the one that came with the Realsense development kit ( which has a fan mounted on it. While I like the heat sink version as it is quieter and probably takes a little less battery power, will probably go with the Fan version to reduce heat issues.
With this setup I will need to see what changes I need to make with the USB cables, as the R200 plugs into the USB3 connector, plus I need to add a Wifi adapter and optionally a Bluetooth adapter.
5V power to run the UP board plus camera and the like. Not sure yet if VR on OpenCR board will be sufficient? I believe it has 4amp VR for 5v? Or if I need to use an external VR(BEC). If I need external BEC will see if I can simply setup to plug the BEC into the 12v plug on the OpenCR board, which is hopefully after the switch and not controlled by the circuit that enables power to servos.
Software on the UP board - For the most part, I believe I can simply do a setup using the instructions given to setup the Intel Joule: Actually I have both of the UP boards currently setup with Ubuntu, plus ROS and catkin_ws setup with the turtlebot code.
Mounting the R200 camera. Looks like there were two brackets that shipped with the original Turtlebot3 Waffle robot. I wonder if the 3d layout for these parts is available, if not looks like simple L bracket, so should not be hard to setup.
With ROS, wondering if I should setup the UP board like the Joule and RPI and have external Linux workstation setup as the ROS_MASTER_URI and have the roscore run on it, or instead have the UP board as the master. Will probably try the later as to only need to run my secondary Desktop machine that has Ubuntu installed on it. That way can use my standard Windows desktop with Putty(KiTTy) and potentially VNC for most of the playing with the Turtle.
Does this all make sense? Any suggestions?