Firmware recovery failure with XL320


Hello. I am trying to use XL320 actuators with 2XL430 actuators.
Since their input voltage differs each other, I tried to use buck converter with the chain consist of XL320 actuators.

Once I misconnected the circuit, I found that the XL320 actuators could not be found on ‘Dynamixel Wizard’ with U2D2. For now, the power supply provides 12 V voltage into each chain and the buck converter dropped down the voltage adapted to XL320 into 7~8V.

I thought that 12V voltage might be adapted to the XL320 actuators by my mistake. Once I disconnect and reconnect XL320 chains from U2D2 powerhub, the red light blinks. However, when I try the ‘firmware recovery’ process with XL320 actuators, the actuators could not found.

On these phenomenon, I have three questions.

  1. Is there any method that I resolve this issue by myself?
  2. Can this issue generally be solved with technical support?
  3. If it can be solved with technical support, is there any additional cost for technical support? And I also wonder how long does it take for the technical support in US. I have many XL320s to be supported…

Thank you so much for reading this and thank you in advance :slight_smile:

First, I think that you posted that when you powered the XL-320s with the proper voltage (7V~8V), the XL-320’s LED did blink once? If that is so, that is good news - may be the XL-320s are still salvageable.

For now, I would try to Recover Firmware on ONLY ONE XL-320 at a time via the U2D2 and Dynamixel Wizard 2 (with the proper operating voltage). And post back your results.

Thank you for answering my question.

As you suggested, I tried again to conduct the ‘firmware recovery’ again with 7.4 voltage setting (only one XL320 connected).

I found that the red light blinked when it got connected and the motor was not found during the ‘firmware recovery’ process.

Thank you again for answering me. :slight_smile:

Have you tried to set Dynamixel Wizard to scan at ALL POSSIBLE BAUD RATES?

Oh, I tried again with overall baudrate settings and ID setting.

Sadly, I could not find any XL320.

Thank you for answering me, again.

Then, unfortunately, it is time to order some new XL-320s. I doubt that ROBOTIS is going to repair these XL-320s at their cost.

Thanks for answering me. Then you mean that fixing XL320s will not be cost-effective compared to its price?

I guess it depends on how many XL-320s to repair (if repairable). You’ll have to ask @Jonathon from ROBOTIS USA directly, as I do not work for ROBOTIS.

Thank you so much! I will reach out to ROBOTIS USA to check if it is generally repairable.


This is Jonathon, the ROBOTIS team member that Roboteer mentioned.

Considering shipping charges to and from our repair facility, it would cost more to send your existing XL320 servos in for repair than it would to replace them.

Thank you for answering me. Would it cost more even if I need to fix more than 10 XL320s?

That would really depend on the specific cost of shipping to have the servos sent back and forth between your location and our repair facility. You can try reaching out to your region’s RMA service team to see if they would be able to provide you more specific information.