FulcrumAir Mini LineFly™ Robotics System

Partner Spotlight : FulcrumAir

This robotic application was entirely created, developed, and produced by our partner: FulcrumAir

Fulcrum Air is leading the world in the development of aerial robotics for the powerline industry.


“The FulcrumAir Mini LineFly™ is a robotics system slung under a FulcrumAir E2500HP™ UAS that is used for the installation of bird flight diverters (BFDs) on power lines. These diverters prevent bird strikes, which cause damage to bird populations and create reliability issues for electrical utilities. FulcrumAir is able to install BFDs with near-zero risk to workers, compared with the traditional manned helicopter installation method. The FulcrumAir Mini LineFly™ uses eight DYNAMIXEL XM540-W270-R servos to articulate its BFD installation arms and other functions of the robot.”

All credit goes to FulcrumAir