Hexapod simulator, XL-320 based hexapod and Dynamixel2Espressif ESP component

I’m currently working on an ESP based custom controller board (espressif / FreeRTOS), two hexapods (XL-320 and AX-12 based) and a pod simulator written in Golang

I am documenting the build on hackaday.io and on Youtube

More videos are coming :slight_smile:

1: (Slightly silly) Introduction (YouTube)

2: Generic pod simulator and custom ESP32 controller board (YouTube)

3: Dynamixel2Espressif component with ESP port handler

The golang simulator is still a work in progress, but I’ll drop everything on github once I’m happy with the code.

Build log:

Espressif component:

The golang simulator is still a work in progress, but I’ll drop everything on github once I’m happy with the code.

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