How to get current from XC330 Model


I’m using 9 DXLs for my system. 4 of XM430, 4 of XC430, and 1 of XH540, and every motors are controlled by OpenRB-150 and PHB with 3S4P 18650 battery cells.

And I’m in trouble with power issue. Motors are shutdown suddenly, with “Overload Error”. I find that this issue occured when not only at the leakage of current but also at leackage of voltage. So, I’m going to measure the power consumption of every each motors.

What I want to know is the current of each motors are using. I already tried getPresentCurrent and readCutrolTableItem functions for XM and XH models. But the problem is XC model.

Briefly, I think, using readCutrolTableItem with PRESENT_LOAD can give me the load of each motors. But I can’t calculate that how the value come from.

Anyone who know the formula, please answer. Also welcome the idea about this. Thank you


The “Overload Error” that you are experiencing is not from high current, but from too much physical load on the servos.

You can refer to the XC430 performance graph for your servo to see the approximate current usage at a given torque output.


The Present Load of the XC430 isn’t the actual current reading of the internal sensor, but a inferred value based on the output value of the internal logic.
Multiplying 0.1[%] to the Present Load value will convert to the percentage of the max torque.

For example, when you are reading 250 from the Present Load, you can estimate that about 25% (250 * 0.1[%]) of the maximum torque is applied to the counter clock wise direction.

Thanks for your apply Jonathon.
I already figure out what you mentioned first, but I missed the graph that you bring.
Actually, what I am trying to do is upgrading my system with simple research of the numerical calculation about load , current, voltage, and power.

Hi Willson.
I am so sorry but that is not my point.
You mentioned “based on the output value of the internal logic”, and I want to know more detailed things about it.
If you know something about the “internal logic”, please let me know.