Import the predefined trajectory for Dynamixel XL430


I am trying to build a robot leg with two Dynamixel XL430 as hip motor and knee motor. Currently, the motions of two motors have been designed and calculated in matlab and generated as txt file. I was wondering if I can ask the motor to read the files and act?



DYNAMIXEL Controller:

open rb 150

Software Interface:


There isn’t a way to get the DYNAMIXELs to read the motors directly, but you could certainly write a program to read them and have the motors complete the trajectories.

However, I think it would probably be simpler to use the official MATLAB SDK to control the servos.

Dear Jonathon,

Hope this massage finds you well.

I have followed your suggestion to setup the Dynamixel SDK into Matlab. I have followed the instructions to set path for the Dynamixel SDK. However, I am facing the issue with matlab as the picture shown below. Could you please help me to solve this?

The path set shown below

I am using XL430-W250 motor and Open RB150 to communicate. I am also not sure how to set the ADDR_GOAL_POSITION and ADDR_PRESENT_POSITION

Is there anything I need to change?

Hi Jonathon,

I have solved the issue. I installed the MinGW-w64 compiler and set the control table. Thank you for your help.

I’m glad you were able to get this working! I hope the rest of your project proceeds well.

(post deleted by author)