Hey roboticists,
Here’s a great simple project posted by maker Eunchan Park- the “Giant Hungry Robot” which uses DYNAMIXELs combined with a trash bin to make an automatic trash-eating bot! The project uses the DYNAMIXEL AX-12A with a ROBOTIS CM-530 controller (found in the BIOLOID PREMIUM or STEM level 1 kits) to manage the overall program. Check out the video here!
The robot uses the CM-530 controller and a simple distance sensor to realize whenever something is added to its basket, and then opens up the lid while swinging the basket arm up to “eat” the item! Then some googly-eyes give the robot a touch of personality- arguably the most important part
The creator has a full writeup for the project available through Instructables here- due to the low hardware cost requirement and simple setup, this would be a great first project for anyone interested in robotics! Check out the Instructables post below and let us know what you think!