Overheat error 가 납니다

AX-18a 를 Visual studio를 통해 python을 사용하여 제어 하려고 합니다.
기존의 X 시리즈를 사용하던 코드를 활용해 AX-18a 및 AX-12를 제어하려고 하는데 overheat error가 계속 떠 진행되지 않습니다. 혹시 원인이 뭔지 알 수 있을까요? X시리즈는 잘 제어가 됩니다. X시리즈와 AX시리즈의 코드에서 어떤식으로 변형을 해야 될 지 궁금합니다.

If you are getting frequent overheating errors like this only on your AX it sounds like your AX motors may require repair service due to damage.

If you would like your hardware repaired by ROBOTIS, you can submit an RMA request to your region’s ROBOTIS retailer.

When submitting your items for RMA service please be advised: in the event that the units are not covered under warranty you will be responsible for the cost of shipping + repairs (labor/components) before ROBOTIS may return the RMA units.

To proceed with RMA service fill out the the appropriate form from the list above to open a request with your region’s RMA team. In addition, you may find the troubleshooting self-checklist useful to assist in filling out the RMA request form.