Programing servo sequences with Dynamixel, best software?

I just picked up the OpenRB-150 kit to learn about smart servos. Does the Wizard 2.0 program allow me to program multiple servo sequences (animations) with a GUI, or is that a different program type? It seems the Wizard is just a testing and configuration utility. If not, does Dynamixel make a servo sequencing program?

Thanks in advance!

To do Motion sequencing with a GUI you have to use the TASK 3 software and this software only works with CM-530 or CM-550.

Which actuator do you plan to use with your project? Is your robot created with your own design?

How experienced are you with C programming and the DXL library? Ones can use numerical arrays and Sync Write to implement Motion Sequences with the OpenRB 150.

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I have the servo that came with the OpenRB kit, the XL330-M288-T, and a XL430-W250-T.

I only picked these up to experiment with, and dont have a completed robot design yet. I dont have any C programming experience. Limited Python experience. Some Arduino / Raspberry Pi experience. I design and build custom 3D printers, and want to build an actual robot. I picked up this kit to mess with the serial servo tech and seen other servos being programmed with a GUI, and was hoping to do something similar with these.

As roboteer mentioned, the only GUI motion programing tool provided by ROBOTIS is the MOTION tool in R+Task. However, the Bottango animatronics orchestration software has support for DYNAMIXEL servos, so that might be more like what you are looking for.

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@roboteer You mention that Task 3 only works with CM-530 or CM-550. When I checked the specs it seems to support most of the controllers. I might be missing something?

Yes, the TASK sub-tool does work with most Robotis controllers except for OpenRB-150. But it is the MOTION sub-tool that does the Motion Sequence Animation that you wanted. Right now for the International Market only the CM-530 and CM-550 are available commercially to do this feature.

The OpenCM 904 can do Task and Motion (OR Arduino but it cannot do Motion and Arduino at the same time) but it has been “retired” by Robotis so it’s commercial availability is uncertain for the future.

Thus for all practicality you have only the CM-530 and CM-550 to work with Motion at present.

You also need to realize that you can combine any Arduino board or SBC such as RPi or Jetson with the CM-530 or CM-550 also. So that the 530/550 can take care of the Motion part while the other controllers take care of Machine Vision or AI functions for example.


On another thought, as you already have an XL-330 and an XL-430 and an OpenRB-150, please look into the Time-based Position Control mode (see details for Drive Mode - Address 10):


This mode is the easiest way to do Motion Programming from the OpenRB-150 using C arrays and Sync Write.

You can also view this YouTube video to get an idea how “physically” XL-430s behave until different Control Modes.

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