I am having issues installing ROS2 Humble in the Raspi. I have been following the instructions present in https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/sbc_setup/#sbc-setup. When i worked on installing ROS2 Humble, I kept running into error where the corresponding package ROS2 package was not found.
When i looked at the issue the Ubuntu 22.04 server is running on ARMhf instead of ARMv8 or amd64. Is there a fix for this or am I missing a step?
An example of encountering this issue involves installing Humble on a RPi 4 for a Burger. My chosen ROS distribution is Humble because it is current and has a long life.
I was going along path at 3.2 SBC Setup in your e-Manual. Step 12 section 3.2.4 (Configure the Raspberry Pi) says "Install ROS2 Humble Hasksbill. This step redirects me to Installation Ubuntu (Debian packages).
Installation goes well until I hit the “Install ROS 2 packages” step.
$ sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package ros-humble-desktop
“The screenshot shows you’re running 22.04 on an ARMhf platform.
Only Ubuntu on ARMv8 gets .deb packages (ie: packages you can install using apt). ARMhf (or arm32) users need to build ROS 2 from source.
See also REP 2000: ROS 2 Releases and Target Platforms: Humble Hawksbill (May 2022 - May 2027) (ARMv8 is called arm64 in that document).”
“So it turns out since I have an older version of the ras pi 4, armhf, I will need to re flash the sd card for ubuntu 20.04 and try ros noetic. I appreciate you looking into this though”
I’m contemplating following the instructions at Ubuntu (source).
I’m just being cautious because I don’t understand the ubuntu system well enough. It would be helpful to have Robotis specific instructions about how to correct this problem. Given that Humble Hawkksbill on top of 22.04 is an attractive choice, it will help to have instructions that keep me out of trouble.
Don’t let the above posts mislead you - ROS 2 Humble on Raspberry Pi installs successfully over Ubuntu 22.04 64-bit Desktop. When setting up your SDcard with the Raspberry Pi Imager, be sure to choose the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 22.04
Other General Purpose OS → Ubuntu Desktop (or Server) 22.04 LTS (64-bit)