Reinforcement Learning project with TurtleBot3!

Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

We introduce a teaser video about the Machine Learning with TurtleBot3.

We’ve started deploying Machine Learning onto TurtleBot3 to make progress in navigation using Deep Q Network (DQN).

We’ll keep posting how-to videos and source code later on.



Pretty cool @Gilbert, did you use GitHub - erlerobot/gym-gazebo: Refer to for the new version for the RL side?

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Thanks @vmayoral. Actually, It was helpful to me to refer GitHub - erlerobot/gym-gazebo: Refer to for the new version for the RL side. But, I used just gazebo for the simulation.

Dear Gilbert,
Many thanks for your tutorials.
I am sorry because asking by comment.
According to your experience and the updated versions, What RGBD camera (Kinect/stereo) do you recommend to use with Turtlebot 3 Burger RPI 4 - 4 GB ?

Thanks in advance.