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휴머노이드 타입 A 제작 후 배터리 말고 어댑터를 꽃은 채로 동작을 해봤고 기존 자세와 조립확인 모두를 통하여 모든 모터가 제대로 작동하고 기존위치로 돌아간다는것을 확인하였는데, 자율보행 및 데모를 실시할 시 갑자기 조립서에 나온대로 경고음과 함께 모터 토크가 풀립니다. 뭐가 문제인지 R+모션으로 모터 하나씩 움직여 보고 데모에 있는 모션도 혹시 몰라 동작을 해봤는데 이상하게 아무문제 엊ㅅ이 제대로 동작이 잘 됩니다.무엇이 문제일까요…

영상과 같이 모든 모터에 토그가 있으며 영상과 같이 모든 모터를 테스트 해봤지만 전부 정상작동이 되었습니다

기본자세도 제대로 나옵니다
조립확인 모드도 제대로 됩니다 하지만 데모,자율보행 모드만 누르면 이렇게 됩니다(R+ 모션으로 보행 모션 실행시 제대로 걸음)

That is odd. Did you actually download the needed TASK and MOTION files?

In order for the demo example to work properly, you need to download to the CM-530 two files/programs:
The first one is the Motion File for Humanoid A

The second one is the TASK program that works with the previous MOTION file

Thanks now demo works but I faced another problem eventhough other motions work proparly motions only working with rifght hand is something wrong. I checked out but mt assembly was perfect

This head scratching motion

Yes, this video showed that Servo #1 (Right Shoulder) somehow did not quite reach about 90 degrees as it should (see screen capture below)


There are two ways that we can check this issue:

  1. Use MANAGER Tool to see if you can move Servo #1 to Position +90 degrees or not. If it does not work with Manager Tool - there may be some mechanical issue blocking Servo #1 from going to this position or maybe something has happened to the Position Encoder of Servo #1.

  2. Try to use the MOTION Tool to see if you can do this Motion Page 7 Scratch Head properly from inside the Motion Tool or not. Does this Motion Page shows that Servo #1 needs to go to “89.65” degrees" for the very FIRST MOTION FRAME like in the picture shown above?

Please try either procedure listed above and let me know of the results, and we’ll see from there.

Remember that after each “Interactive Use” of the MOTION tool, you need to reload the COMPLETE HUMANOID A MOTION file to the CM-530 before trying to use the DEMO Task code again.

Ok I know what’s wrong but can I fix ax12a servo in my home? I think this servo was assembled wrong.


It looks like that your position encoder is providing the wrong information to the CM-530. If your servo is still under warranty you need to do an RMA with Robotis Korea.