Pixy2 still is not working on M4, but it is working on M7 OK as before.
@willson, Good News! SyncRead and SyncWrite work OK inside M4 Core now. BUT only if I use the “old deprecated” version of the SyncRead and SyncWrite packets as shown on the ROBOTIS e-manual - see this post
If I use the “new” “packed” version as shown in “sync_read_write_position.ino”, it will fail inside M4 Core, however this “packed” version works fine on M7 Core. So I hope that ROBOTIS will not REMOVE access to the “deprecated” version from the Dynamixel2Arduino Library in the future.
So far, I have been able to develop a complete RC solution for a CarBot using BT-210 + TASK Virtual RC100 Controller + XL-330s completely inside M4! Then with the HuskyLens camera now working in M4, I am now in good shape!
ARDUINO, Thank You!