I was comparing the programming approach used in the provided Dynamixel2Arduino example sketches: sync_read_write_position.ino and sync_read_write_velocity.ino, and the one used on the ROBOTIS E-manual (https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/popup/arduino_api/syncWrite/).
I’ve found the approach shown on the E-manual much easier to understand and expand its use, so I created the following Arduino sketch for MKR ZERO combining SyncWrite for Goal Velocity and Goal Position. I used TWO 2XL-430s: the one with IDs 1-2 is set into Position Control mode, and the one with IDs 11-12 is set into Velocity Control mode.
#include <Dynamixel2Arduino.h>
#define DXL_SERIAL Serial1
#define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial
const int DXL_DIR_PIN = A6; // DYNAMIXEL Shield DIR PIN for MKR Shield
const uint8_t BROADCAST_ID = 254;
const uint8_t GP_DXL_ID_CNT = 2;
const uint8_t GP_DXL_ID_LIST[GP_DXL_ID_CNT] = {1, 2}; // servos set in Position Control mode
const uint8_t GV_DXL_ID_CNT = 2;
const uint8_t GV_DXL_ID_LIST[GV_DXL_ID_CNT] = {11, 12}; // servos set in Velocity Control mode
const uint16_t ADDR_X_PRESENT_POSITION = 132;
const uint16_t LEN_X_PRESENT_POSITION = 4;
const uint16_t ADDR_X_GOAL_POSITION = 116;
const uint16_t LEN_X_GOAL_POSITION = 4;
const uint16_t ADDR_X_GOAL_VELOCITY = 104;
const uint16_t LEN_X_GOAL_VELOCITY = 4;
Dynamixel2Arduino dxl(DXL_SERIAL, DXL_DIR_PIN);
ParamForSyncWriteInst_t GV_sync_write_param; // Parameters structure for SW GV packet
ParamForSyncWriteInst_t GP_sync_write_param; // Parameters structure for SW GP packet
int32_t goal_velocity[GV_DXL_ID_CNT] = {100, 100};
int32_t goal_position[GP_DXL_ID_CNT] = {2048, 2048};
void setup() {
DEBUG_SERIAL.println("Initial Setup & Test");
// put your setup code here, to run once:
uint8_t i;
// Preparing for GV SW packet
GV_sync_write_param.addr = ADDR_X_GOAL_VELOCITY; //Goal Velocity of DYNAMIXEL-X series
GV_sync_write_param.length = LEN_X_GOAL_VELOCITY;
GV_sync_write_param.id_count = GV_DXL_ID_CNT; // Number of servos in Velocity Control Mode
for(i = 0; i < GV_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
GV_sync_write_param.xel[i].id = GV_DXL_ID_LIST[i];
// Preparing for GP SW Packet
GP_sync_write_param.addr = ADDR_X_GOAL_POSITION; //Goal Position of DYNAMIXEL-X series
GP_sync_write_param.length = LEN_X_GOAL_POSITION;
GP_sync_write_param.id_count = GP_DXL_ID_CNT; // Number of servos in Position Control Mode
for(i = 0; i < GP_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
GP_sync_write_param.xel[i].id = GP_DXL_ID_LIST[i];
// Setting GP servos into Position Control mode
for(i = 0; i < GP_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
dxl.setOperatingMode(GP_DXL_ID_LIST[i], OP_POSITION);
// Setting GV servos into Velocity Control mode
for(i=0; i<GV_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
dxl.setOperatingMode(GV_DXL_ID_LIST[i], OP_VELOCITY);
// Torque enable all GP and GV servos
// Update actual goal velocity data
for(i=0; i<GV_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
memcpy(GV_sync_write_param.xel[i].data, &goal_velocity[i], sizeof(goal_velocity[i]));
dxl.syncWrite(GV_sync_write_param); // send GV SW Packet
// Update actual goal position data
for(i=0; i<GP_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
memcpy(GP_sync_write_param.xel[i].data, &goal_position[i], sizeof(goal_position[i]));
dxl.syncWrite(GP_sync_write_param); // send GP SW Packet
DEBUG_SERIAL.println("END of Initial Setup & Test");
} // end of setup()
void loop() {
DEBUG_SERIAL.println("Randomized Test");
// Update actual goal velocity data with randomized values
for(int i=0; i<GV_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
goal_velocity[i] = (uint32_t) random(10,200);
memcpy(GV_sync_write_param.xel[i].data, &goal_velocity[i], sizeof(goal_velocity[i]));
dxl.syncWrite(GV_sync_write_param); // send GV SW Packet
// Update actual goal position data with randomized values
for(int i=0; i<GP_DXL_ID_CNT; i++){
goal_position[i] = (uint32_t) random(1024,3072);
memcpy(GP_sync_write_param.xel[i].data, &goal_position[i], sizeof(goal_position[i]));
dxl.syncWrite(GP_sync_write_param); // send GP SW Packet
} // end of loop()