Dynamixel motor Control with ARDUINO without SHIELD



Issue Description

Hi Everyone,

I would like to control DYNAMIXEL motor AX-12A** with ARDUINO, but the problem I’m facing is that I don’t have the SHIELD of Dynamixel. Would it be possible to control it **without ** ?

Has anyone of you already did it before ? If YES, can you help please ?
Thanks in advance.

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In order to control a DYNAMIXEL without the Arduino Shield, you will require the implementation of the following UART communication circuit to convert the full-duplex signals to half-duplex

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I had tried to make my own DXL Shield within a home user environment, and you can read my post here:

Although it was an instructive project for me, I still think that it will be more efficient time-wise and monetary-wise for regular users just to buy and use either the original DXL Shield or the MKR DXL Shield depending on your Arduino Controller model.

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Thanks for replying. It sounds complicated for me to do the half duplex communication.
Can you give me your advice about this idea https://www.bde.enseeiht.fr/clubs/robot/articles/ax-12_arduino/ ?? I couldn’t install the librairies.