Hello Robotis, I am using your motor Dynamixel XH series for my project Buliding 3 degree of freedom Robotic arm and it's showing that it used PID controller for controlling but when i Used with U2D2 communication converter with U2D2 power hub then it's c

Hello Robotis,

I am using your motor Dynamixel XH series for my Buliding 3 degree of freedom Robotic arm and it’s showing that it used PID controller for controlling but when i Used with U2D2 communication converter with U2D2 power hub then it’s controlling by python or any of language by SDK…

So i am having queries where is the pid controller used. Is it inside the U2D2 communication converter because for controlling any motor we required a controller…

So please help me in this.

And if any more technical sheet along with simulation and modeling if possible please let me know if you can share i will be happy.

The PID Controller is built-in/coded inside the firmware for each ROBOTIS Dynamixel - not in the U2D2. For example the ROBOTIS e-manual provides the following information for the XH540-V270 and its PID coefficients when in Position Control mode:

But watch out, the factory default values are usually only set for the P coefficient

Have you seen the following two posts about PID tuning (just on a typical “bare” dynamixel):


Can you help me how i can do simulink and modelling of it in matlab ? can you share any equation of it so that i can simulink dynamixel XH series. ?

Unfortunately, I have never used Matlab so I can’t help you much for this issue, except that you need to use Dynamixel SDK which has a MATLAB port. There are lots of information and example codes at this ROBOTIS link

Also, ROBOTIS made several YouTube videos also:

Can I get Mathematical modelling of XH series since i am using your XH series motor for my project and i have to do simulation so please provide me mathematical modeling of it.

In that case, @Tech_Support is the one to check with, as I am just a Forum user.