Manipulator-h ROS noetic 사용

안녕하세요, 지금은 단종된 manipulator-h 모델을 ROS1 noetic에서 구동하고 싶은데 불가능할까요? 진행해본 결과, gui에 이용되는 qt-build가 noetic에서 지원되지 않는 것 같습니다. 다른 방법이 있을까요?

불가능하다면, open manipulator-P의 패키지를 가져와서 h모델을 구동시키는 것을 가능한지 궁금합니다.


I would like to know if it is possible to run the discontinued Manipulator-H model on ROS1 Noetic. From my attempts, it seems that the qt-build, which is used for the GUI, is not supported in Noetic. Is there an alternative method to achieve this?

If it is not possible, I am curious to know if it is feasible to use the packages from the Open Manipulator-P to operate the H model.

Thank you.

The OpenMANIPULATOR-P packages should work for your OpenMANIPULATOR-H.

The DYNAMIXEL P series was renamed and updated a while ago, and they are both the same arm, just before and after the name change and updates. Depending on how old your arm exactly is you may have to make some small changes to the libraries for compatibility reasons, but the kenimatics and such are the same for both arms.