New Book: Using ARDUINO with ROBOTIS Systems

Hello everyone,

This book is written for robotics enthusiasts who have a basic knowledge of C/C++ Programming and a basic practice of the Arduino IDE, but who are beginners at using ROBOTIS Hardware and Software. It is available through Amazon here.
This book demonstrates the use of the following hardware:

  • Arduino MKR ZERO and Portenta H7 Lite Controller boards.
  • ROBOTIS OpenRB-150 and OpenCM-904 Controller boards.
  • ROBOTIS Actuators such as AX-12, XL-320, XL-330 and XL-430.
  • ROBOTIS Communications Devices such as BT-210 and BT-410.
  • Video cameras such as Pixy2, HuskyLens and OpenMV H7+.


More details are available here at this link:


This looks like a useful book! Thank you for sharing, I am definitely interested in picking up a copy.

I noticed in the available portion of Chapter 2 you mention that the methods ping() and scan() are not working consistently for you. I think I am facing similar problems with my OpenRB-150 and MX-64AT2.0 actuator. I am also using V.0.2.1 of the core. Can you share any more details about how you worked around this problem? If you address it further in the book just let me know.

Just to be sure that my actuators are actually working I just test them out in small procedures in setup() like move my carbot back and forth for 1 second or β€œwiggle” my pan-tilt platform servos, basically to provide visual feedback that all my Dynamixels are working properly.