ROS2 Workshop with Turtlebot3 - Waffle


It was an honor for me that for 3 days; as a instructor for ROS2 Introduction Bootcamp; I was the guest of talented students of Arak University of Technology, Iran.
This bootcamp was held in cooperation with Pishorobot -as the exclusive distributor of ROBOTIS Company in Iran, Arak University of Technology (ArakUT) and National Scientific Student’s Organization of Electrical Engineering (NSSOEE).
This is the first time in Iran that a scientific program is held to teach Robot Operating System, ROS2!

In this training course, the official ROS development platform, Turtlebot3 - Waffle, was used to better understand the world of advanced robotics.
In this program we also discussed about DYNAMIXEL Intelligent Servo motor and its SDK.

I am extremely grateful to all my dear friends and colleagues who helped and supported me.
Best regards,
Ali Khorshidi Benam, Aerospace - Flight Dynamics and Control Ph.D.
Head of Advanced Technologies in PishRobot


Thanks to @Aaron and Peter for providing some information for this workshop.