Today’s test setup is shown below:
Essentially RPi5 is hooked up to U2D2 via ttyUSB0. the 2 2XL-430s are hooked up to U2D2 via the Power Hub board at 12 V.
I installed the latest DXL SDK for C and C++ via the steps described in this “revised” post:
The RPi5 OS is new, so you can skip the steps regarding installing git, gcc, and build-essentials. The remaining steps applied OK, except:
Remember to add the flag -fcommon to the MakeFile as needed as shown in the previously mentioned post.
I also took care of preparing for ttyUSB0 to work with only 1 ms Latency Timer Delay.
For Code::Blocks, I used the old Project files created for my Amazon book on the Engineer systems:
And fortunately only a small change was needed to update the paths to various source codes and libraries because the user does not have to use the default pi username anymore with RPi5.
And so far the current DXL SDK worked real well with the RPi5 in C and C++ - see screen capture below for a test on SyncReadWrite. Compiling and run-time performances are much better as compared to RPi4B.
In conclusion, it was definitely worthwhile for me to upgrade to RPi5.
On the next post, I plan to report on how well Python works with the DXL SDK on RPi5.