UURT Humanoid Robot Team Description Paper for Humanoid KidSize League of RoboCup 2012

KidSize_UURT2012 - TDP2012.pdf (276.5 KB)


This paper presents current version of humanoid robot systems of Urmia University Robotic Team (UURT) for the upcoming KidSize competition RoboCup 2012, Mexico City, Mexico. First version of our robots was developed for RoboCup IranOpen 2011 and RoboCup 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. This year our robots’ system has been modif ied based on our experiences of the last year. The mechanical structure is a new design using Bioloid Kit links based on Dynamixel MX-28 and AX-12 servos. Central brain of the robots is a Vortex 86DX, 32 bit x86 CPU running at 1000MHz with 256 MB RAM. This processor manages self-localization based on vision and object recognition, role engine based on fuzzy logic, Motion Controller and Network. Each robot is able to walk, pass, kick and dribble when it catches the ball.

This academic paper features our DYNAMIXEL AX-12 & MX-28 all-in-one smart actuators

All credit goes to: R. Shabani, H. Yazdanjouei, F. Tofigh, S. Rabiei, and R. Ghasemzadeh of Robotic Lab. Faculty of Engineering Urmia University- Urmia 57153, Iran